Dec 23, 2023
'Hello everyone!! As we all know that Green Papaya (raw papaya) is a powerhouse of Nutrients and an excellent source for Internal cleaner, enzymes, prevent skin problems and enhance eyesight and many more benefits. 》It can be introduced to baby once they turns 7-8 months old (in puree form or properly mashed) 》It is very beneficial for healthy growth and development of the baby. 》I cooked it with Peas & Cottage Cheese which adds a mouthwatering taste and makes it for delicious. 》Its super healthy for all ages NOTE: * Recommended to slowly begins to introduce baby to solids world and still milk is the main source of nutrients in babies growth. * For small babies everything should be in PUREE form or properly MASHED. * Advise not to add SALT to babies food before ONE year.. At this age their kidneys are too immature to deal with the excess sodium intake because babies under ONE year needs approximately less than 1g of salt a day.. which they gets enough from the Breast Milk or Formula milk. (after 1 year you can add a pinch of salt) If you like this video, please do LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! And press the \"BELL ICON\See also: